Our Mission Statement
The Saratoga Library's Teen Advisory Board is dedicated to creating fun, informative and engaging events for teens at the Saratoga Library.
About Us
The Saratoga Library's Teen Advisory Board develops in-person and virtual events for teens at the Saratoga Library, and in the wider Saratoga and Monte Serena area. Annually, we hold a broad range of community events, such as Teen Movie Nights, social Coffeehouses, and our annual writing invitational, Writeathon. Additionally, we host a number of informative speaker series events, such as College Day, Career Day, and in collaboration with the Youth Commission, an annual SED Talks event. These events, along with many others, are hosted throughout the year to foster a sense of community among teens, and our board members hail from a number of different schools in our area to create the a versatile and welcoming atmosphere for socializing and learning for all students.
Our Members
Members of Saratoga TAB come from high schools in the area, including Saratoga, Lynbrook and Monta Vista.
Introducing our 24-25
Teen Advisory Board
2024-25 Teen Advisory Board
Nicole Hao
Hayden Fu
Collaborative Events Co-Lead/Website
Viki Toram
Social Events Lead
Han Yeung
Showcase Events Lead
Arthur Gabrilovich
Collaborative Events
Aarav Kalra
Collaborative Events
Anya Taneja
Showcase Events
Lisa Jing
Showcase Events
Aditi Kankanwadi
Creative Arts Events
Aakarsh Ekollu
Social Events
Kayla Nguyen
Social Events
Medha Nalakonda
Speaker Series Events
Varini Kadakia
Speaker Series Events
Birgit Spring
Library Supervisor
Avi Taneja
Dhanush Ekollu
Collaborative Events Co-Lead/Website Lead
Tanay Ubale
Speaker Series Lead
Manlin Zhang
Creative Arts Events Lead
Dawud Choudhry
Collaborative Events/Website
Dhatri Iyer
Showcase Events
Rohit Thomas
Showcase Events
Florence Wei
Creative Arts Events
Navya Chawla
Creative Arts Events
Trisha Sannappanavar
Social Events
Victoria Jafari
Social Events
Ashwin Belur
Speaker Series Events
Areni Shah
Speaker Series Events